The Tanglewoods' Secret
In a struggle to learn to overcome her fiery temper and selfish spirit, Ruth is led to the discovery of a very important Shepherd who can and does teach her (and others) how to be good.
The story contains beautiful and uplifting examples of what can happen when we let ourselves be found by Him.
Patricia St John's stories have been entertaining and challenging children for many years. Her other popular titles include Treasures of the Snow and The Rainbow Garden.
Recommended for children aged 8-12.
"It combines excellent storytelling and commendable literary skills with Christian teaching. The Gospel is woven throughout the book as Ruth and Philip, staying with their Aunt Margaret and Uncle Peter while their parents are held up in India due to the War, meet other characters in the book - Terry their friend who gets badly injured and dies, Mr Tandy the shepherd who reads from his New Testament, Mr Robinson the Vicar who talks about the Good Shepherd, introducing the need for God’s forgiveness. It entertains, challenges, confronts and comforts. A great read for any age and actually raises an inescapable question for all - “Where’s home?” "
—Dianne Barnett
Format: Paperback