About us

Hi there!
Welcome to Toby’s Trove. We are Ted and Jolene, two self-proclaimed bookworms who embarked on a journey to share Christ with our son and ignite in him the joy of reading through compelling stories and gospel-centred resources. Together, we built a treasure trove of books. Wanting to share these wonderful reads with other families, Toby’s Trove was born.
At Toby’s Trove, we specialise in Christian books for children, as well as titles that build character, pique curiosity and sharpen inquisitive minds. We believe that discipleship begins at home, and endeavour to equip parents with Christ-centred, biblical resources that will help them explore and understand the truths of the Bible with their little ones.
More than anything, it is our desire to see Christ honoured in every household. Through our humble endeavours, we hope that our carefully curated collection of books will help little ones grow in their faith, and be a blessing to the families who read them.
If you'd like to bring our bookstore to your church or stock some titles at your book table, do drop us an email at hello@tobystrove.com. We'd love to see how we can support you in your ministry!
Thank you for shopping at our our humble bookstore. Your support means the world to us. Happy browsing!
With love,
Ted & Jo