[As Is] Holy, Holy, Holy (Hymns for Little Ones)
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Holy, Holy, Holy introduces little ones to the one of the most timeless, enduring anthems of the Christian faith in a fun and colorful way.
Revelation 4:8-11 is a powerful vision of unending praise to the Lord. This Scripture passage was the inspiration for Holy, Holy, Holy, a reverent, majestic composition honoring our triune God.
This classic hymn helps little ones experience the awe and wonder of worshipping the “Lord God Almighty.” The lyrics are paired with whimsical watercolor art that celebrates the joy and beauty of God’s world. In the back of the book, you’ll find the sheet music and lyrics.
Hymns for Little Ones is a series of creative and colorful board books that introduce young children to the most inspiring and influential Christian anthems of all time. Little ones will learn truths about God in the lyrics of these impactful hymns.
Format: Board book